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Like Rats Leaving a Sinking Ship

Thursday, August 30, 2018 - 9:30am
John Kushma

Like Rats Leaving a Sinking Ship


The idiom applies.  It may not literally apply to certain individuals in the Trump administration and sphere of influence since many of them are not rats, rather, honest, hard working, idealistic individuals caught between their careers, integrity and a commitment to their boss and country.  


The Writing’s on the Wall, however, and impeachment is the wind.  We all knew this was coming, even Trump knew, or he does now.  He’s capitulating, calling it the “I” word, seemingly conceding defeat.  It’s coming.  It’s close.  He’s firing people left and right, throwing bodies in front of him to take the flack.  Meanwhile, many staffers are jumping ship to save themselves.  


From deviants like Michael Flynn, Steve Bannon, Hope Hicks, Rob Porter, and Omarosa, and who can forget the infamous Anthony Scaramucci, to more likable rogues (depending on your perspective) like Reince Priebus, Sean Spicer, H.R. McMaster, to seemingly honest folks like White House counsel Don McGahn.  Many of McGahn’s staff are leaving as well.  They are just worn out.  Worn down by the oppressive atmosphere at the White House and the impossible work environment Trump has created there. 


(And let's not forget to dishonorably mention the miscreants like Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, and Roger Stone). 


Trump is an amazingly relentless narcissist.  I don’t want to believe he is a bad man to the core, there is some good in everybody, maybe even Jeffery Dahmer, but I do believe Donald Trump is an absolute, certifiable, card-carrying as**ole.  Here‘s why.  Instead of softening his stance, and even apologizing for what he said about John McCain being a war hero, and honoring the senator simply for his service to America and for being a first rate human being, Trump pouts and digs his heels in, not even showing the minimal respect of lowering the White House flag to half mast as is protocol.  The man has some serious issues. 


Here’s what’s even worse, and an even more focused look into the twisted mind of Donald Trump.  With democrats in good position to take the majority seats in congress, Trump is using the news media to tell America that “there will be violence” if the GOP doesn’t win.  To me, this is a clear incitement for violence.  It’s an order, at best a suggestion, to his base to become violent.  I would say that even by the First Amendment right to speak freely, this qualifies as illegal since it is a direct call to violence.  I think that’s a no no. 


Trump, bless him, seems to shoot himself in the foot every time he opens his mouth.  The recent scripted, stunt phone call to Mexico’s president, Enrique Nieto, was a foolish gaffe in a failed public relations exercise.  The news media was invited to watch and listen to Trump trade accolades with Nieto regarding a “possible” new trade deal with Mexico and abandoning NAFTA.  Surrounded by Vice President Mike Pence, son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and a few other besuited White House staff, and a gaggle of news reporters and cameramen, Trump took the on-air opportunity to blame his predecessor, Barack Obama, for the poor NAFTA trade deal, and he seemingly used the impromptu press conference to detract from John McCain’s death which was dominant in the headlines.  I believe these were his main objectives for the press conference. 


Comically, the Oval Office phone didn’t work.  Trump, on-air, reprimanded an aid for the misconnect.  With the call finally connected, Trump and Nieto foolishly congratulated one another for basically nothing yet, as Nieto tried to confirm several times, many times, I counted five, that Canada would be included in the deal.  It seemed important to him.  Trump, five times, did not confirm Canada using his trademark deflective comment, “We’ll see what happens.”  And, just to show how Trump’s mind works, or doesn’t work, or focus, he thanked Nieto and patted himself on the back for this great new trade deal with “Canada.” 


President Trump is obviously very worried and very distracted with his upcoming downfall.  For someone who is used to being hated and scorned, and for someone who seems to thrive on the negative, we are seeing a chink in the armor and about to witness a collapse.  The only question is, how will he go?  Kicking and screaming, or quietly into the good night?  The circles under his eyes are getting darker under the makeup and puffier.  He’s putting on weight.  His hair is getting weirder.  He’s flailing like a drowning man in the middle of an ocean that wants to swallow him up.  As a last resort, he’s calling for his supporters to protest and threatening the rest of America with civil violence. 


‘The chickens are coming home to roost’, ‘The writing is on the wall’, ‘You reap what you sow’, 'Like rats leaving a sinking ship’ ...the list of idioms goes on.  You can probably think of a few more good ones that apply.  One thing is for sure, however, and it’s that Donald Trump is over. 


'You’re fired!’  




John Kushma is a communication consultant and lives in Logan, Utah.          


