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Family Reunions…A Blessing and a Curse?

Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - 11:45am
Tami L. Johnson

When you break down the word, “reunion” you find the word, “union” and a reuniting of a union.  Families come together.  Family reunions are like a big beautiful tree and some are full of nuts or lemons, but that’s what makes them unique!

This summer I have been able to enjoy a couple of different family reunions—one took place at Lava Hot Springs with my immediate family and my siblings, their children and my parents.  We took the time to swim, camp, eat together, and our favorite—raft down the river together!  We learned that going down in a 4-man tube was best!  Less chance of flipping over and more chance for a smooth ride!  We liked it so much we went down the river at least a dozen times!  And once we were tired of going down, we decided it was fun to watch everyone else come floating down on their tubes.  It was great entertainment!

The purpose of this reunion was to gather with my family and do something out of the ordinary—we had never been to Lava Hot Springs!  Not everyone came who was invited but those who did come grew closer together and we learned more about each other.  This is a great part as to why we hold family reunions: to learn more about each other and grow closer.  Of course, we shared lots of laughs!

The second reunion I attended this year was with my entire extended family on my Dad’s side.  We met with the Pettingills and Humphreys.  We gathered together for a big luncheon at a building in Willard, and then afterward, we shared sentimental stories of days gone by.  Some were funny and some were dear to our hearts.  There was a special feeling amongst everyone.

Also, there was a contest for whomever told the best story (and kid-judges were involved too.).  In the end, the lucky winners received gift cards to a steakhouse.  Pictures of our grandparents, great grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles were displayed on the back table for all to see.  Everyone gathered around the table to share their memories of loved ones.  Both reunions were so different but so meaningful in their own way.

Richard and Linda Eyre, world-traveling family coaches with a common sense approach to parenting and marriage, and who bring encouragement to parents everywhere, recently said, “ Family Reunions are a blessing and a curse—sometimes family reunions can be an up and down thing but, at their best, family reunions can almost be a celestial thing.”

As with most reunions, you’re usually in a setting that is somewhat removed from regular life, such as the mountains, a lake, or a cabin, which allows you to reunite and connect.

Linda Eyre says, “There are a lot of different ways to hold a reunion. It really is important to get your family together no matter how you do it!”
