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“Up Against The Wall, Motherf**ker!”

Wednesday, January 9, 2019 - 11:15am
John Kushma

“Up Against The Wall, Motherf**ker!”




Our president Trump, aka ‘President Goldfinger’ is up against many walls, of which the southern border wall may be the least of his worries.  He’s up against a raucous new majority crop of Democratic House Representatives, and a few new Republican Senators, who want both his tax returns and his head on a silver, preferably gold, platter. 


Just hours after the new congress was sworn in, a fresh-baked democratic representative from Michigan, Rashida Talib, vowed to impeach Trump with the battle cry, “We’re goin’ to go in there and we’re goin’ to impeach the motherf**ker!” to the cheers of her supporters. 


Yikes!  If I were ‘President Goldfinger’ I’d be very afraid.  He’s outnumbered now.  


Talib’s boss, and now House Speaker, and now by the way, third in line for the presidency as Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, didn’t much care for the language, but she and the rest of the democrats, and a few republicans, wholeheartedly agreed with the sentiment. 


Trump is calling the illegal alien situation on the Mexican border “a national crisis”.  He is promoting and overselling ‘The Wall’ like his presidency depends on it, and maybe it does.  He promised a wall, paid for by Mexico.  His base wants a wall, paid for by Mexico, or whoever.  His base loves ‘President Goldfinger’. 


Trump’s ‘Wall’ is a political symbol more than a purposeful, functional barrier. 


Our president is acting like a whiney kid who will stomp and shout until everyone just gives in and he gets his way.  I’m surprised he didn’t threaten to hold his breath in front of the national television audience during his live Oval Office address.  The only national crisis I can see is Trump himself, ‘President Goldfinger’.  Just being a jerk is one thing but when being a jerk can place America, a nation of over 300 million in jeopardy, that is the real crisis.  He’s like the loudmouth bully at the ball game or at the bar who drunkenly, mindlessly, spouts off and gets his friends into an unwanted fight.  He puts people in harms way. 


There are no legitimate facts that validate the need for a $5+billion wall 55 ft. high stretching the 2,000 mile length of the U.S./Mexico border.  It’s an impractical and impossible dream.  ‘President Goldfinger’s’ White House is selling a black market drug trade, green-card-dodging criminals looking for trouble, swarthy ISIS terrorists and assorted technicolor despots crossing the border on foot to murder us while we sleep in our beds at night.  Maybe they should include a color coded chart to discern levels of criminal activities at the border.  This is the picture our president is painting and selling.  But the facts don’t add up to that.  In fact, the facts are elusive since they come from Trump’s (Goldfinger’s) own Department of Homeland Security anyway.  He can make up the facts, and he does.  Such is history ...anyone can sell anything, and people will buy anything. 


On September 11, 2001, Saudi terrorists were sophisticated, smart, and committed enough to, in broad daylight, commandeer American commercial jets loaded with passengers and fuel and crash them into the World Trace Center bringing those iconic symbols of America down to rubble, and the Pentagon, and just barely missing the U.S. Capitol building or the White House itself.  Not since Pearl Harbor in 1941 has America been caught with its pants down with such severe consequences. 


No concrete wall or steel fence could have prevented either of those incidents.  But, after the fact, we fenced in Japanese people living here and fenced out Islamic people wanting to come here.  Electronic surveillance, intelligence, and vigilance are the tools of the victor.  Walls and fences are like contracts, they’re temporary and made to be broken. 


Just as reference since we’re talking historical, old-school walls, the Great Wall of China is 13,000 miles long and ranges from 15 to 25 feet high and was built over centuries.  The Berlin wall is (was) 91 miles long and 12 feet high.  The famous Wailing Wall in Jerusalem is 1600 feet long and 62 feet high.  And the Israeli wall, still under construction, separating Israel from Palestine is to be 400 miles long and 25 feet high. 


Poet Robert Frost said good walls make good neighbors.  There is some truth there and it’s funny Trump has never referenced that in defense of his wall.  But then again, he doesn’t read so he wouldn’t know. 


Nobody argues the need for border security.  But there are so many other ways to complement the wall or fencing already in place.  Like a better electronic sentinel system with monitors to identify anything that moves at any point at any height or depth for a rapid deployment response. 


Crisis?  Shutting down the government as a political ploy, that’s the crisis.  It feels like America is being held hostage at the whim of a maniacal, egomaniac villain that I have a hard time calling my leader.  To me, he’s ‘President Goldfinger‘ because he looks and acts like the infamous 007 nemesis and villain. 


Congresswoman Rashida Talib calls him something else.  Go girl!             



John Kushma is a communication consultant and lives in Logan, Utah.
