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My suggested alternative solution to the "Immigration Problem

Wednesday, March 1, 2017 - 10:30am
Robert Butler

February 26, 2017


The “Orange Solution”


While I understand the frustration among most Americans with the refusal of past administrations to finally deal with the problem of those illegally in the United States and do not wish to see another “amnesty” deal that we saw years ago, I believe that there is a better solution than the one being advanced by President Trump.


First, let us all agree that the deportation of convicted felons should be the priority! Have I.C.E. go to every prison and jail in the country and remove those who are illegally in this country. Take those from Mexico to the border and turn them over to the authorities there, with the warning that if they are caught on U.S. soil again, they will automatically receive a life sentence in a federal prison or the death penalty, whichever is appropriate. Those from other countries must be placed on military aircraft and flown to their respective countries with the same warning.


Second, the Congress and the President should establish a new residency category, ORANGE, for everyone else who is illegally in the U.S. These folks will be given a reasonable period (year, 2 years) to come out of the shadows and register with the Immigration and Naturalization Service. At that point, they will be photographed, fingerprinted, DNA sample taken, and issued a “Temporary residence ID” with a photo and thumb print and an orange social security card. They will be assigned an immigration case worker to whom they will report every six months or whenever they move or change jobs. At that point, they will be safe from deportation until they do one of two things: become U.S. Citizens through the naturalization process or gain a permanent residency alien status. So long as they report as required, their status will be unchanged.


The “orange card” holders will be placed at the “back of the line” with immigration as they apply to gain legal entry status. Until their “turn,” they may work and live without fear of deportation unless they commit a felony or are determined to be a “multiple-misdemeanor” offender (a designation which Congress shall create with reasonable standards). Should they be deported, they will lose their right to apply in the future.


“Orange card” holders will pay income taxes just like any other worker; HOWEVER, they will have 12% withheld from their checks instead of the standard social security/Medicare rate. This 12% will be divided equally between three places: social security trust fund, Medicare/Medicaid trust fund, and national debt retirement fund. Employers will continue to pay their share of the standard withholding required, but that will go to the social security/Medicare trust funds. None of these payments will be accrued by the “Orange card” holders; they are “penalty” payments for being in the country illegally. Until such time as they become Citizens, they will not accrue any funds into the social security/Medicare system. The “penalty” payments are never theirs.


Upon becoming citizens, their “Orange cards” will be voided and regular social security cards with new numbers will be issued to them. At that time, they will be required to begin paying a $5,000 fine, through one of several methods offered at the time. They will also be automatically registered as voters and issued IDs for that purpose.

This is not an amnesty program. It is a more humane way to deal with a problem which politicians have allowed to get out of control over the years. At the date of the creation of the program, any new illegal entries will be subject to immediate deportation, with the penalty of being placed on a list of person who will never be allowed to enter the U.S. in the future for any reason.


"...Therefore, never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee...: Meditation 17 by John Donne 1624