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DWR News Release: How to prepare for ice fishing season

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 3:45pm

How to prepare for ice fishing season


SALT LAKE CITY — With most of Utah getting pelted by freezing temperatures, going fishing may not be at the top of your to-do list. However, don’t put away that tackle box just yet — ice fishing season is just around the corner, and December is the perfect time to prepare.


Ice fishing is a great way to get outdoors during the winter and is a great activity for the whole family. 


“Fishing during the winter can be spectacular,” Utah Division of Wildlife Resources sportfish coordinator Randy Oplinger said. “You can access an entire lake by walking across the ice; ice fishing gives those who don't own a boat a great opportunity to fish wherever they would like on a lake.”


While the ice may not be quite thick enough yet for safe fishing in many parts of the state, you can begin to prepare now by making sure you have the right gear. Here’s a look at some of the equipment you should have and tips to help you be successful when ice fishing: 


Equipment you need


  • An auger to drill a hole in the ice. You can use either a hand-powered auger or a motorized auger. If you are new to the sport, hand augers work well and typically cost around $50.

  • Something to scoop the slush out of the hole after it is drilled. You can buy ice fishing scoops for only a few dollars or you could use a slotted spoon from your kitchen.

  • Ice fishing rod and line (costs typically start around $20)

  • Ice fishing lures (these are normally $3-4 each)

  • Some bait, like mealworms or wax worms (these are $3 a cup, which will last a few fishing trips) 

  • Warm winter clothing

  • A camping chair or bucket to sit on 


“You can get into the sport of ice fishing for under $100,” Oplinger said. “Just like with any sport, you can spend more if you’d like additional equipment, but you don’t need to spend a lot of money to be successful and have a good time.” 


Tips to help you be successful while ice fishing


During the winter when a waterbody has frozen over, fish often stay near the bottom of the lake. Because of that, a good recommendation is to start with your lure about a foot off the bottom. However, fish don’t always stay along the bottom of the lake, so if you aren’t getting any strikes, then try setting your lure at different depths. Fish finders can be helpful in determining where the fish are, or you can also ask other anglers who are having success at the same waterbody.


Fish don’t strike hard under the ice, so you have to carefully watch the tip of your line to know if you are getting any bites. One thing that can help with that is adding a spring bobber to the end of your fishing rod to help you notice those gentle strikes. 


You can catch any fish species through the ice, and any time of day can be good when ice fishing. 


“The best way to prepare for ice fishing is to make sure you are dressed warmly for the colder weather and to make sure all your equipment is ready,” Oplinger said. “If you are new to the sport, you can get additional tips and recommendations from fellow anglers, employees at tackle stores or online. It’s always a good idea to check local fishing reports as well.” 


Safety recommendations


The general safety recommendation is to not step on the ice unless it is at least 4 inches thick. However, keep in mind that ice thickness can vary across a lake, so if you see that it is 4 inches in one spot, don't assume it is 4 inches across the entire lake. Be sure to drill test holes into the ice as you venture onto it. You should also avoid having large groups of people and equipment in a small area — spread the weight out.


“As an extra precaution, you can also purchase ice safety picks, which can help you get out of a lake if you fall through the ice,” Oplinger said. “I’d also recommend having a rope just in case. And it’s always a good idea to have someone else with you when ice fishing.”


Find more ice safety tips on the Utah State Parks website. 


The more prepared you are, the more success you can have, so start prepping now to have a great ice fishing season!


Looking for that perfect Christmas gift? Consider a fishing or hunting license 


SALT LAKE CITY — While some people may not be thinking about hunting or fishing during December, there are still plenty of opportunities to do both, and you can surprise your friends or family with a Utah fishing or hunting license for Christmas. They make thoughtful presents and are easy to buy.


Along with a great ice fishing season, Utah also offers several hunts during the winter months. The hunts for cottontail rabbit, chukar partridge and snowshoe hare run through most of the winter. 


Buying a hunting or fishing license online on the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources website is the easiest way to get one. However, you can also buy a license at one of the six DWR offices or from any fishing and hunting license agent across Utah. Combination licenses — which allow the license holder to fish and hunt small game — are also available at the same locations and on the website. 


To buy a license for someone, all you need is the person’s name, their approximate height and weight, their eye color, hair color, date of birth, address and phone number. 


If you buy a license on the DWR website, you can have it mailed to you so you can wrap it and give it as a gift, or the license can be mailed directly to the person you’re buying it for. It usually takes about seven days for a license to arrive in the mail, so order one early so it arrives in time for Christmas.


In addition to providing an opportunity for someone to enjoy the outdoors next year, the person you give the license to will receive an added bonus: Annual Utah fishing and hunting licenses are 365-day licenses, so the license is  valid starting the day you buy it. 


If the person you’re buying the license for is 18 years of age or older, instead of buying a one-year license, you also have the option of buying a license that’s valid for two, three, four or even five years. 


If the person you’re buying for already has a license, you can extend the period of time when their current license is valid. For example, if the person you’d like to buy for has a license that will expire next April, you can buy a license extension for them now. The extension will keep their license valid for one, two, three, four or five years from the day the license was supposed to expire.


Please be aware, however, that a license extension may be bought only for a license that will expire within six months from the day you buy the extension. For example, if a license doesn’t expire until November 2020, the soonest you can buy an extension for it is June 2020, six months before it expires.


Utah resident license and permit costs are as follows:


  • Combination license (ages 14 - 17) $20

  • Combination license (ages 18 - 64) $38

  • Combination license (age 65 and older) $29

  • Fishing license (ages 12 - 13) $5

  • Fishing license (ages 14 - 17) $16

  • Fishing license (ages 18 - 64) $34

  • Fishing license (age 65 and older) $25

  • Hunting license (age 13 and under) $11

  • Hunting license (ages 14 - 17) $16

  • Hunting license (ages 18 - 64) $34

  • Hunting license (age 65 and older) $25


Gift givers should also note that hunting and combination licenses do not include a deer or elk permit and do not allow someone to hunt deer or elk. Hunters can apply for a 2020 general buck deer permit, starting Jan. 30, 2020. General elk permits will be available, on a first-come, first-served basis, starting July 16, 2020.


Another great gift idea for the angler in your life is a registration fee for the Utah Cutthroat Slam. The goal of the Slam is for anglers to catch each of the four native Utah cutthroat trout — Bonneville, Colorado River, Bear River and Yellowstone — in their historic ranges. Registration costs $20 for adults and $10 for youth, and you can register on the DWR website. All but $1 of the registration cost is dedicated to conservation projects throughout the state that help native cutthroat trout. The Slam can provide a fun challenge and a great way to get outdoors.


So if you are having a hard time finding stocking stuffers this holiday, don’t worry — we’ve got you covered.