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Farr West City PLANNING commission

Thursday, January 23, 2020 - 7:00pm




Utah Public Notice

Planning Commission

Planning Commission Meeting

Notice Date & Time: 1/23/20 7:00 PM -1/23/20 9:00 PM



Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of Farr West City will hold a work session, a public hearing and its Regular Meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 23, 2020

6:00 p.m., Work Session to discuss possible ordinance changes


1. Call to Order, Vice Chairman Genneva Blanchard
2. Opening Ceremony
a. Pledge of Allegiance
b. Prayer
3. Business Items
a. Report from City Council
b. Open public hearing to consider the request of a conditional use permit for a secure service and storage facility located at 3284 North 2000 west, parcel number 19-124-0005, Brinton Neff
c. Close public hearing and proceed with regular meeting
d. Recommendation to City Council of a conditional use permit for a secure service and storage facility located at 3284 North 2000 West, parcel number 19-124-0005, Brinton Neff
e. Set a public hearing for February 13, 2020 to consider the request of a re-zone of the Karyl Lee Chugg Mounteer Trust property located at approximately 1700 West Farr West Drive, Jim Flint
4. Consent Items
a. Approval of minutes dated January 9, 2019
5. Chairman/Commission Follow-up
a. Report on Assignments
6. Public Comments (Resident(s) attending this meeting will be allotted 2 minutes to express a concern or ask a question about any issue that IS NOT ON THE AGENDA. No action can or will be taken on any issue presented.)
7. Adjournment

